Sunday, September 16, 2012

This Can't Be Love

It is really difficult to arrange happy sentences or write a cheerful story on my post. I personally believe that heartbreaking and gloomy sentences are easier to relate rather than the happy and motivating ones. I am sorry if any of you feel annoyed of how I describe my sad feeling; but for now, I truly can't be wholeheartedly happy. As I have not moved on yet, so all of the memories I had with my ex are still here, surrounding me. Some of you might be thinking "why did she end up the relationship if she still loves him?" Yes that is the biggest and hardest question to answer. There are some personal reasons which I can't share with you guys. People who have never been in love would not imagine how much pain the scar causes, please don't judge. Thank you for reading this far, I love you guys so much, thanks for being supportive. Your kind words can never be replaced, xo.
Punk Spike Embellished Headband from Oasap.
New Look cardigan and tank, Picnic shorts, Oasap headband


Unknown said...

i really love your cardigan and spiked headband!

Adam said...

I love the headband

Ellyzabeth said...

Love your indiana cardigan so much!

Lili Matic said...

Great styling ! :)

I love your blog ;) I have been there a couple of times and I've just noticed that your style is gorgeous ;)

Would be great if we followed each other, don't you think so ? :)



the creation of beauty is art. said...

Whoever decides to end the relationship, it is always hard to move on from. In time, I hope that you will be completely happy again. Until then, keep rocking your amazing style, because you look fantastic :)

Anonymous said...

Cute rings!

Laura said...

Your style is perfect! I really like all of it, specially these creepers and this kind of shorts :)


Shape and Fashion
Blog’s Facebook Page

eudoraa said...

love your cardigan! (:

Nico And Bri said...

Awwwww I love all of this! And thanks for coming to visit my blog!

Nico and Bri

Tanya said...

You look so astonishing! I especially love your creepers, rings, necklace, spiked headband, black tights and shorts. The accessories are great.

Unknown said...

love that prints on your cardigan!


Unknown said...

mitha ketje selalu :*
suka banget sama outernya :333

Ade Kurnianingrum Handika Putri said...

Love your rings!!! You look so lovely mitha :))

Calita Hin said...

love ur outer so much!! <3

Yuki Lusiana Eka said...

OMG! I always love your outfit, Mitha<3


Coco said...

Sweetheart sorry for your situation. Follow your heart and day by day you will feel better.a big big hug

Rosalinda Tjioe said...

Ketje banget Mitha uuuu >_< Loving the cardigan and shoes aaak xx

Rosalinda Tjioe said...

Ketje banget Mitha uuuu >_< Loving the cardigan and shoes aaak xx

Maiken said...

oh I do know all about pain caused by unhappy love but everything happens for a reason and time changes things. you just have to let go, it's pretty simple actually. you suffer or you let go. may seem harsh but it's true.
anyway, your outfit. that sweater looks so cozy and cute. love it and it's perfect for those chilly autumn days.

Maikeni blogi - part of me

Carmen said...

Love the cardigan and your style.

Unknown said...

keep strong darl! I know that your heart is as strong as your style <3
so, I love your cardigan. Nice post!

Unknown said...

Oh beutiful style!
Amazing photos <3
I follow you :D


Jean-Michel Cheng said...

Love your shoes !!! <3

Paulina DeVil said...

gorgeous outfit, the rings are so cute!
i wish you all the best, hope you'll be happy again soon! xx

ryhha said...

omggg I love your shoes ;-)
and you're fashion is really nice! :)
welcome to my blogggg :

Brenda Evans said...

love the spike headband :)

keep in touch <3

Vania Aprilia said...

this look is so comfy yet chic!

Pudding Monster

Joyce said...

I love casual chill-back outfits like these~ loving the t-shirt and shorts! I hope you feel better mitha!! <33

Joyce @

Unknown said...

I love your outfit!

Luna Tiger said...

I loooove your cardi and the creepers are amazing !

Lisshandra Tanata said...

so dying for those creepers mitha! and im so in love with your tribal cardigan <3333

yunita elisabeth said...

love your outfit.. the cardi and the creepers are to die for! superbb! <3
i'm your new follower :)

Joana Chaves said...

You look so cute and I'm incredibly sorry about your romantic ordeal. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. I know we're all just bloggers all over the world, but seriously. My email is on my website, so if you ever feel like venting to a(n) (almost) complete stranger go for it.

Marina said...

cool, I really love it:)

juli said...

thx ♥ i'm happy that you like my pictures

Kashaya said...

Great outfit, I love that headband.=)

Sophie said...

You look great, love the shoes!


Heather Cavanaugh said...

love this whole look. I esp love your rings, cardi, and spiked headband.

Demi Mist said...

I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for the comment!
I would love it if you followed back.

Midwest Muse said...

You look so wonderful. I love the sweater such a nice touch to the otherwise edgy outfit.

Agnes Ficzere said...

oh i love your style and i love your shoes!
i follow you. follow me back? :)

Bonnie said...

I love your cardigan. It's such a cool print.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Unknown said...

You look gorgeus! Xo

trishie said...

Love your cardigan. It looks warm and vintage

Panty Buns said...

The designs on your New Look cardigan and tank are beautiful and so are those rings. Getting over someone you loved is very difficult. I never did but I know you'll have a much happier life if you do. You should have a long life in front of you and I hope you find a much better match for someone to love in the future. P.S.: Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog post last month.


I love your shoes, great outfit!

Frances Davila said...

I love this look! It's so edgy! You really know how to wear those creepers!


Unknown said...

love da outer mithaaa <3

Alviana Kalin said...

hey cool look! thanks for dropping by dear :)


Thania said...

Love your style!! Amazing outfit!!♥


dimitri said...

Great photos and your outfit is very pretty. I really like your cardigan. Your rings are so great too.

Milkha Eunike said...

Love your cardigan & your shoes kak ;3 xo

Joshua Tjandra said...

I always am glad to find out that there's still a strong girl who is brave enough to shout her feeling out loud and having no regrets in the decisions she made. You will be able to move on in no time (: Superb cardi!!

Claireta Teressa said...

how i lovee your cardi,headpiece and shoes.

The Fierce Berry said...

great pictures! love the cardigan <3

Diana de Belen said...

Love love the oversized cardigan :)

xx Diana

Boomerang Plus said...

love ur headband n sweater dear! :)

Thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog earlier :)

Maybe you have time to read my new post is up: Its OK to laugh sometime

~Boomerang Plus

Johanna said...

LOVING your look. So urban chic, with the good amount of edginess ;) The headband is super adorable, I really need to get one, too! xoxo ♥

Unknown said...

That cardigan and rings are so cool!

Smile Mitha :)

Unknown said...

Love your look, especially those rings!

EVA said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog!

I like your blog :D



Unknown said...

Loooove the cardigan!<3

C - Abriendo mi armario said...

I hope you'll get over soon.
I really like your cardigan.

Inês Brito said...

You look so fantastic! ♡

ice pandora said...

It's okay to be sad
and it's okay to be
not so happy.. just
for a bit and awhile.

It takes time but
things will fall into
pieces c: I hope you
feel okay soon and I
hope you can be able
to be happy again!

I love the outfit! The
spiked headband is so


Unknown said...

Such a cute look and I loved getting to see what your fashion week looked like (in the post below). Hoping you work through your breakup - it always gets better :)

xo Mary Jo

Jacklyn said...

great outfit! :)

Jacklyn ☮❤ from Aly´s Book

Aubrey and Melissa said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment on our site! Love your chunky cardigan in this point and that headband with it adds such a nice touch of edge. So cute!

Miss Melissa said...

wow i really love your outfit :) no, really! it's so unique and so well put together! the cardigan especially is my favorite. :) it looks so warm and cozy! hey, where can i purchase one of those?! :) hehe :)

by the way thank you for stopping by my page :) doing the same in return! and i love it so far! i may as well follow you. :) keep me posted with lovely things. ^_^

oh, and about your past relationship. don't worry, love still exists. :) it's normal to feel that way but remember that it happened for a reason and every decisions that you've made this far has every purpose to it! :)

be strong and keep smiling!

- melissa from

Anonymous said...

perfect outfit <33
I want this headband :D


M.E said...

keep smiling! everything happens for a reason ;)

Rahel said...

You are soo beautiful!! I love everything about your outfit, and this was a fantastic read. Thanks so much for sharing!
By the way, hope you'd check out my blog and comment on what you think!


Audrey Allure said...

Loving your cardigan!

Anonymous said...

Awesome cardigan!!! Love it!

PS Thanks a lot for your kind comment on my blog! Come again, new post is ready. :)

xo, Victoria,
'The Wind of Inspiration' blog

Chrisy said...

You look wonderful...never never never cut that hair! Re the ex, I hope the pain takes time and I'm sure he'll always be special to can love somebody but know that you need to move on...the love doesn't stop...take care...

Elvira said...

Hmmm, cute i love it..:)
follow me, i will follow you

CMOS said...

amaaaziiiinggg combine :)

Lizelisabeth said...

Again, you look amazing Mith! I def love the headband. <3

Hugs and kiss kiss,

Astrid Camat said...

Such an awesome outfit! Wanna follow each other??

sonia // daring coco said...

Awww I hope you feel better soon, it sucks, I know but you'll feel happy again one day. I always think of this: "This too will pass" when something bad happens etc. FYI I am soooo in love with your cardi!

Win a glam necklace and earring set by Angelique! Enter NOW

Unknown said...

oh gosh.. i love the long cardigan! might go to check it out at New Look ;P

thanks for visiting my blog :)
i wonder if you'd like to follow each other maybe?
let me know hun.. :)



Anonymous said...

I feel ya girl, just because you love something doesn't mean it's going to work out. And sometimes it's just not going to work out at that time. I had to break things off with my now husband 3 times before we could pull it all together for it to work out. Keep your chin up little soldier:)

Umbelinateviste said...

Great styling!! Love your cardigan. A big kiss

stylewithoutstyle said...

Love your cardigan and these rings are so cute :)

awhite said...

Really digging that cardi, girl! Amazing!


Anna Do said...

I loooove the entire look! You put together all this pieces in a very smart way!

I follow your blog, love all the content you post :) i invite you to follow mine to if you want, xx!


Pitufina said...

Gracias por visitar mi blog!!!

te sigo ya!!!

un beso!!

Anonymous said...

The shorts, and those shoes are super rad

Pixel Hazard | Bright Green Laces |

Amy's Fashion Blog said...

cute cardigan

.sabo skirt. said...

You look great with your outfit. We love it!

Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!

Viona Cindytia said...

Cool outfit and style ! :D thanks for the comment, mind to follow back ? :)

Nino Reyzky said...

awh thanks anyway :')
great pictures! u have a great sense of fashion :)

Oh to Be a Muse said...

You're so adorable. I totally need a New Look cardi like yours.

Wynne Prasetyo said...

and i love your cardigan Mitha! i'm sorry that you're still in sorrow, but so long as you make the right choices you're on the right track, one that ends with happiness!


Anonymous said...

Your cardigan is amazing! Love it!

The Celebrity Look

Axelle said...

wauw lovely pictures ! :D said...


The Girl with the Coffee said...

I know what you mean, it´s really hard to let your love go...!
(Anyway you look great on the pictures... I love the cardigan!)
xx Katja

Theadorabletwo said...

Great Outfit! I love it! don't really like the shoes. But everything else is top

Love Storm

Nadya Joy Soetanto said...

cute dear :)

Sin12012 said...

I really like your coat !

3 Winners GIVEAWAY F/M -

xo ,
Ana Catalarrana

Molly said...

Great cardigan! Perfect for fall weather!

Prisla Buah said...

cute ensemble and shoes are great

Unknown said...

The good thing is that everyday gets easier, hang in there send keep looking beautiful!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Amazing outfit, the details are perfect! This is my first time on your blog but I'm so sorry to hear you're having a bad time :(. I hope everything gets better!

Rebecca said...

Wow glad to have found you via Smashion....your edgy look esp. that sweater is the BEST!!


Paisley said...

I'm sorry you're feeling sad but we have to go through hard things to really appreciate the good ones :) And on the bright side: you look fricken' adorable!

Victoria said...

That is such a cool and funky outfit. I wish I had that type of style. I work for Levi's corporate and you would fit right in! You have great personal style. Love the cardigan!

The Stylista Diaries

michelle_ said...

LOVE LOVE your spiked headband !!


livewithstyle-ewa said...

great cardigan, cute ring;-)
nice outfit
would you like to follow each other?
xoxo Ewa

Constance said...

Love it!


MateaTPol said...

love your jeans! fallowing!

gvozdishe said...

I love everything about this look!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment!
Maybe we follow each other !?
Just let me know :)

Sarah Mendelsohn said...

I really love your outfit, especially the creepers! Really wonderful blog. You have great style :) xx

Fashion Confessions of a Mommy said...

Love the chunky cardi and the flatforms and those rings are so pretty.
Great style.
Thank you for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your comment! Loving your blog so I've started following you ;)

Love your outfit. No matter how downhill a relationship is at the end, you'll always feel sorrow when it's over. We need to go through the heartbreak to move on (^_^) x

Sandra Martinez said...

GReat photos!! I absolutly love your style, the shoes OMG!!
Thanks for your coment, i really appreciate it!!
Just have a look at
Have a nice day sweety :)

Anonymous said...

Love the cardi - the print is adorable!

Stop by sometime, xo Natalie

Lisa said...

i'm so sorry to hear about your relationship.. but i always believe when a relationship ends you always take something away from it.. and it leaves room for an even better relationship to make its way into your heart and your life!

even if you feel down.. you look absolutely fabulous! i love that sweater!!!

Lou-Andréa said...

Thanks :D
I love your blog, you're so pretty!

Bisous xx

Unknown said...

Gorgeous accessories and cute cardigan!
hey dear, thanks for dropping a sweet comment on my blog. How would you like to follow each other on GFC & Bloglovin?

Unknown said...

A veces el amor es asi, espero que te alegres y dentro de poco podamos ver una entrada en la que pongas que eres super feliz!

Anonymous said...

I love the shoes!
Thanks for your visit love!

yiqin; said...

nice look <3 cannot wiat to see u next wk!

Julie Ann Lozada said...

nice outfit, i so love the knit cardigan!

It’s a GIRL Thing

Leire said...

!Hola!!thanks for your comment, great photos.

we wear things said...

great look! the creepers and that sweater. WANT>


Stephanie said...

Oh I love that cardigan, and your creepers are amazing!

lawyerdoll said...

The only people who don't get why it hurts to end a relationship are either very lucky, or just oblivious. You feel what you feel-- it will fade in time.

At least you look good! I always say "if you feel bad, you might as well look good".

Steven Brown said...

Your cardigan looks so comfy. I am following. I hope you can check out my site: and follow. Hope to hear from you soon.

Steven B.

Jdavismoranti said...

You look wonderful! I hope you feel better, good days last longer than bad!

Nina Nuru said...

many thanks for visiting my blog <3

SuperGirl said...

Hey, me and my sister created a blog where we post different looks on stardoll, visit it. You are great, thank you

Lisshandra Tanata said...

love that cardigan so much! you look really edgy <3 anyway check out my new post! xx

MadeOfTears said...

Great look! Thank you for visiting :) I'll following =]

el0domcia said...

nice photos, you have got beutifull face ^^ i love your style :3

Unknown said...

very nice cardigans !! <3

StyleNightcap said...

I love you blog! So inspiring! And your style is so unique!

SanazAlamode said...

This headband is so cute! Love the whole look!

I followed your blog :) please return the follow