Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jakarta Fashion Week 2013 - Day 2: Paula Meliana for Eva Bun

I have been coming to JFW 2013 since Day 2, being one of the press, fitters, and of course, viewers! I actually got 25 folders for each different show inside my laptop and I don't actually know when I will be able to post everything. But I will, don't worry. More over, there are 2 days left for JFW so more folders are coming up, I guess? By the way I post each show based on the day and timing, it will be in order.
By the way.. During JFW, there were many random people asking me whether they need to have an invitation to be able to watch the show. I will tell you guys about that too here: the answer is - for Fashion Atrium, you can still watch the show even if you don't have any invitation because the place is in an open air (no walls which hide it), everyone can see it. But then, you can't cross the red line, stand and watch only before the red line. Invited people are of course, able to seat and enjoy the show. For Fashion Tent/Loft, you need to have an invitation otherwise you won't even able to enter the Loft. Because securities are so strict, they do check everyone's invitations and scan the barcodes. And they don't even mind to say no when you begged to go inside.
And so the first one goes to Paula Meliana for Eva Bun, it took place at Fashion Atrium in Plaza Senayan! I was late for the show so did not manage to take the first sequence of the collection. And the place for the press was already full so I took shots from the right-hand side of the atrium. But I did enjoy this wedding collection. How pretty those bridal dresses are right? Love the sequins applied, and very beautiful silhouettes on those models. Enjoy the first show.. Continued by next week ;)
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